We provide a service that you need
At Just Care Development, we aim to provide quality-focused audits and training in the care sector.
We are a small company comprising auditors from various health and social care backgrounds. Namely, clinical managers, regional managers, home managers, residential managers, and clinical nurses who have over 30 years of practical hands-on experience in the care sector.
We propose to give in-depth audits that will give an overview of the service and provide a framework to improve the quality of residents care collaboratively and systematically. We will give our unwavering support to care providers as we are aware of the current pressures that are inherent in residential and nursing homes.
We aim to provide a service that reflects our values. Our audits will have a clinical and regulatory focus, which will provide a framework to improve the quality of residents' care collaboratively and systematically.
Our audits will address the (5) KLOE—Key Lines of Enquiry. The KLOE is concerned with whether the service is:
A) Safe
We look at how staff, visitors, and service users are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
B) Caring
We look at whether staff treat service users with kindness, respect, dignity, and compassion.
C) Responsive
We look at whether the organisation meets the needs of service users and whether they are content.
D) Effective
To ensure that outcomes are achieved through the quality of service users lives and it is evidenced.
E) Well Led
Does the manager have an open culture where learning is encouraged and has a democratic style of leadership?
Clinical Audit
Medication Audits
Night Visits/Unannounced
Care Plan Audits
Health & Safety Audits
Environment Audits
Infection Control Audits
Staff Personnel File Audits
Foot Health Practitioner
Future Courses and Training
End-of-life Care
Dementia Mapping
Train the Trainers
Wound Management
Supervision of appraisals
Care Planning
Moving and Handling
Our audits will be undertaken in the following phases:
Planning phase: initial meeting with provider/manager to discuss needs and insight into the facility.
Execution phase
Observation, Documentation, Interviewing Staff, Observing Care Practices, Inspecting Records, Inspecting the home and facilities and cleanliness, and looking at cards and complaints. Interviewing service users.
Reporting Phase
Report Findings: Discussions and forward action plans with time scales.
We understand that each situation and needs are unique to them. Tell me more about what you're looking for, and I will get back to you soon with some ideas.
Open today | 09:00 – 17:00 |
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